Second Pool Tag Registration Day

Pool tag registration will be available again on May 20th from 10am to noon at the pool.

If homeowners have pool tags from 2016-they need not purchase new tags. They must bring their 2016 pool tags to the pool on May 20th to have the 2017 stickers attached.

If homeowners have lost their pool tags, they must purchase new ones at $5 each for members of the family that are over the age of 5.

If homeowners are new to Ranch Country and have never had pool tags, they are eligible for tags at no charge, if their assessment account is current.

If renters wish to have pool tags, the homeowners account must be current.

If any homeowner’s account reflects a balance due, that balance must be paid or arrangements must be made prior to May 20th for pool tags to be obtained. If there are any questions regarding an assessment account, please call the Property manager, Robin Gard at 713-329-7133.

Republic Waste information sheet
Neighborhood Cleanup Day Rescheduled