Dear Ranch Country Owners,

Please come and meet our new manager, Sussan Martinez, with Montage Community Services this Thursday at 7pm. We will be meeting at the Rosehill Fire Station.

We are still in the transition process. All account information will be in the system by Wednesday and payment instructions will be emailed and mailed to all owners that are showing a balance. We know that there are questions about payments that have been sent in, but that have not been cashed. We will work through these on a case by case basis. Again, no late fees will be assessed at this time.

If you have any questions or need additional assistance please do not hesitate to contact Sussan via email at [email protected].


Your Board and Management

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In addition to regularly scheduled activities – knitting, crocheting, quilting, oil painting, yoga, stretching, exercise classes, cards and dominoes – Harris County Precinct Three Commissioner Steve Radack’s Hockley Community Center is also offering the following upcoming events and activities…

Click “Read More” for more information!

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The first day of pool season is coming up soon! Splash Day will be on Saturday, May 26th at 12:00 Noon until 4:00pm. There will be free food, drinks, and a DJ! 

ALL residents are welcome at Splash Day, no pool tag required! However in order to have pool privileges after Splash Day, a pool tag must be obtained and the homeowner’s assessment account must be up to date.  If anyone has any questions about their assessment account, please call or email Sussan Martinez at 832-600-4142 / [email protected]

You may get a pool tag application by downloading it here: Pool Tag Application, and turn it in via email to the HOA board at [email protected]. First time pool tags are free, renewal pool tags will receive a sticker (for free), and replacement pool tags are $5.00 each.

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