
As the Board will start preparations for the 2018 budget next month, it is also time to prepare for upcoming assessments which become due January 1st. The rate for 2018 has not yet been determined, however if you would like to prepay a portion of your 2018 assessments, you may do so either by mail or online payments. If your account is current, any amount you pay towards your upcoming assessments will reflect as a credit balance until such time as the assessments are applied to your account.

For further information on how you can begin pre-payments please contact the Property Manager, Robin Gard at (713) 329-7133 or via email at [email protected].

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RC Residents,

Lately there has been an increased amount of trash being left behind at our shared facilities, such as at the basketball court and park. This is just a reminder that the HOA does not pay for a cleaning service to pick up trash at the parks or other public areas, so if we want a clean public space it’s up to everyone to do their part!

Let’s all help keep the facilities clean for everyone’s enjoyment!

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Ranch Country Community,

Several reports have been received that people are entering the locked pool area when the pool is closed.

Please refrain from entering the pool area any time it is closed. This is for your own safety, as there are no life guards on duty if it’s closed. In addition, if the pool is closed for maintenance that means something is wrong and the water is not safe to swim in! You don’t want to swim in unfiltered pool water!

For everybody’s safety legal charges may be pursued if anybody is found inside the pool area when the pool is closed.

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