Ranch Country Neighbors,

UPDATE 7/8: A new dumpster is now available! It will be available until 7/13.

UPDATE 7/4: We requested a new dumpster, but unfortunately Republic Services has not replaced it yet. We will update the website here once a new dumpster has been delivered.



Since dumpster #2 filled up so quickly again, a new dumpster will be available for use tomorrow! This dumpster will be available until we contact Republic Services to come pick it up once it is full. Please let us know if it fills up by emailing [email protected].

NOTE: Please do not allow trash to spill out of the back of the dumpster, or leave it outside of the dumpster. There is unfortunately a large amount of trash that did not get thrown away properly, and is now going to cost additional fees to dispose of. If this dumpster also fills quickly, we can do another dumpster. No need to leave your trash on the street!

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Ranch Country Neighbors,

A new dumpster is now available for use! If you were not able to use the previous dumpster, please give this new empty one a try! This dumpster will be available until we contact Republic Services to come pick it up once it is full. Please let us know if it fills up by emailing [email protected].

NOTE: Please do not allow trash to spill out of the back of the dumpster, or leave it outside of the dumpster. There is unfortunately a large amount of trash that did not get thrown away properly, and is now going to cost additional fees to dispose of. If this dumpster also fills quickly, we can do a third dumpster round. No need to leave your trash on the street!

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Ranch Country Neighbors,

UPDATE 6/27: Republic Waste will swap the dumpster soon for a new empty one. Once an empty one has been delivered, this website will be updated and an email sent out with the time frames for how long the new dumpster will be available.

Due to the overwhelming success of Dumpster Weekend, the HOA Board is looking to hold an “encore presentation” and would like your input!

Please click on the below link in order to cast your vote for when you would like the next Dumpster Weekend to be held. Unless there is a clear winner, this poll will close on July 4th.


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Dear Ranch Country Homeowners,

Rain or shine the dumpster will be delivered before 5pm on Friday, June 26th and will be available through Sunday June 28th! The dumpster will be located next to the pool. Please use it as a way to clean up items that you have not been able to dispose of. Old carpet, old clothes, mattresses, broken furniture etc…. Please do not leave items outside the dumpster, they must be thrown inside for them to pick it up on Monday.

Remember these items are NOT allowed:
No dirt
No Rocks
No concrete
No batteries
No flammables
No paint
No tires
No oils
No large quantities of fluorescent light
No animal waste.
No animal carcasses
No medical waste
No hazardous waste
No items with freon

Thank you,
Your Board and Management

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Dear Ranch Country Homeowners,

The Board of Directors has made the difficult decision to keep the pool closed this summer. To comply with the CDC restrictions the pool company had to put very strict regulations in place that would not allow any pool furniture, no guests, a very limited amount of people in the pool at a time (25% capacity), and substantial additional costs with cleaning and an additional gate monitor. In addition, there are liability concerns with permitting the pool to open while Covid-19 is still active.

The boards first concern is the safety of the homeowners and they feel this is in the best interest of the entire community. Any funds saved by not opening the pool this year will be used for other community projects or placed in the reserve account for future repairs.

Your Board and Management

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Ranch Country Residents,

The Ranch Country HOA will be holding a Dumpster Day on June 26th, 27th, and 28th. A dumpster will be available at the end of Cedar Rock Dr. (by the pool), and all non-hazardous waste is welcome!

If you’ve taken quarantine time to catch up on home projects, perhaps you have some tree limbs, fence pickets, or odds and ends unsuitable for donation you haven’t had a chance to get rid of. Now’s the time! 🙂

Please note the following items that are not permitted in the dumpster: No dirt, rocks, concrete, batteries, flammables, paint, tires, oils, flourescent lights, animal waste or carcasses, medical waste, hazardous waste, items with Freon in them.

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Dear Ranch Country Homeowners,

You are invited to attend the upcoming HOA Meeting on 6.11.2020 at 6:30 pm.  This meeting will be held on line through ZOOM.  You will be able to listen to the discussions being held and will be able to type in questions for the board to answer.  Below is the log in information and the agenda for this meeting is also posted below.

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 992 6756 7704

One tap mobile
+13462487799,,99267567704# US (Houston)
+12532158782,,99267567704# US (Tacoma)

Dial by your location
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 992 6756 7704

Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/adClcS7xIv

Board of Directors Meeting

– Call to order of the Board of Directors meeting
– Guest Speaker – Touchstone
– District Services -Bond Election
– Discussion on the possible reduction of funds for the constable patrols
– Approval of the minutes from January 9, 2020
– Review/Approval of the Financials February – April 2020
– Approval of February-April 2020 Financials
– Delinquent accounts – discussed in executive session
– Violations – discussed in executive session
– Old Business:
  * Maintenance items  
– New Business:
  * Pool – closure because of COVID19
  * Community Events
– Homeowner Forum- question and answers from those in attendance
– Scheduling of the next meeting – TBD

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