The first day of pool season is coming up soon! Splash Day will be on Saturday, May 25th at 12:00 Noon until 4:00pm [DIA DEL SPLASH, Sábado, 25 de mayo, @ 12:00 Mediodía – 4:00 PM]. There will be free food, drinks, and a DJ! There will also be a water race and other games for the kids!
ALL residents are welcome at Splash Day! However in order to have pool privileges after Splash Day, a pool tag must be obtained and the homeowner’s assessment account must be up to date. If anyone has any questions about their assessment account, please call or email Montage Community Services at 832-600-4142 / [email protected].
If needed, you may download the pool tag application by clicking here. First time pool tags are free, renewal pool tags will receive a new tag (for free), and replacement pool tags are $5.00 each. Please return the completed application by email to [email protected].
Splash Day Saturday, May 25th – Food, drink and DJ!
The first day of pool season is coming up soon! Splash Day will be on Saturday, May 25th at 12:00 Noon until 4:00pm [DIA DEL SPLASH, Sábado, 25 de mayo, @ 12:00 Mediodía – 4:00 PM]. There will be free food, drinks, and a DJ! There will also be a water race and other games for the kids!